Achtung: das ist ein Archiv der Kollisionen bis 2021. Aktuelle Informationen zu Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier (externer Link).

The journey of a collective body / Observers of the event

In this workshop we will become a collective body of spectators.

Two different approaches will lead the process: On one hand, we will use the choreographic exercise of The Chair Game in order to learn how to move collectively and to place ourselves in the position of observers of public spaces and everyday life situations. On the other hand we will integrate photo and video devices in order to conduct a research on the double condition of being the spectator and – at the same time – an object in somebody else’s field of vision.

Our central idea is to produce estrangement towards everyday life, exercise complicity as a group and to train our capacities of movement based on collective principles.

Further more, by introducing cameras into the exercise, we will question how a collective body can act as an author in the public sphere and how the ubiquity of media devices in our everyday lives influences our perception and sense of presence.

Isabell Spengler, Film & Video
Diego Agulló,  Performing Arts