Achtung: das ist ein Archiv der Kollisionen bis 2021. Aktuelle Informationen zu Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier (externer Link).

ARTificial FRIENDSHIPS. A try-out week.

In the age of digitalism, many apps promise that it is manageable for everyone and anywhere to make new friends in a short period of time. Yet, at the same time it seems strange and perhaps scary to just make a spontaneous ‘live’ contact with unknown people that could develop further…

During this week we would like to create a common space for exploring the possibilities to create new and maybe unexpected friendships. Our seemingly impossible task during the project week is to find unknown persons who would agree ‘to be friends’ with you– and to document all your questions, decisions, actions, the happenings and results during this process.

Would it be possible to form a friendship without using digital tools? What would be your ‘artistic’ strategies? Would it help to frame your attempts as an artistic experiment? Would it be ethical to do so? Could creating new friendships outside your familiar milieu (or bubble) be a political action? Could you transform aliens?  What further consequences would you wish to create as a result of making (unexpected) friendships? And how could you proof that you really managed to create a starting friendship at the end of the week? What isfriendship?

These are just some of the questions connected with this special form of playful research – ‘between fiction and reality’… It could happen in different ways and you would choose your own tracks and ‚levels of difficulty’ together with the group and the project supervisors. Throughout the week, we will involve physical and performative group exercises, collective readings and discussions as well as individual time for research, field excursions and talks.

Please bring one object or text that (for yourself) tells about ‘making friends’ on 7th of January.


Anna Volkland (Darstellende Kunst)
Işıl Eğrikavuk (GWK)

Disziplinen / Ansätze:

mix of interdisciplinary approaches : performance and action based approaches, forms of artistic research and activism, field research and social-scientific approaches, philosophy/theory, politics…

Besonders empfohlen für / Recommended for:

alle, die Interesse an sozialen Fragen und ungewöhnlichen, nicht erprobten Arbeitsweisen haben.

For students of all courses and levels who are interested in social and political questions and their relations to artistic practises as well as in experiments and impossible tasks!


Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz (HZT), Studio 10
Treffpunkt: am 7.1.2019 um 10 Uhr




Common course language is English, but German is possible, working languages are individual!

Anna Volkland is a dramaturg for dance and theatre and since 2014 research fellow at the University of the Arts Berlin where she teaches theatre theory and performance analyses and does her Ph.D. on ‚Institutional Critique in the German State Theatre‘. She also writes for theatre and dance magazines. Since 2016 she supports the UdK’s Artist Training program for theatre artists in (German) exile.

Işıl Eğrikavuk studied Western literature at Boğaziçi University (Istanbul) then went to The School of The Art Institute of Chicago with Koç Foundation scholarship for her MFA in Performance Art. She taught art and media at Istanbul Bilgi University between 2009-2017.  She currently lives in Berlin and is part of faculty at Universität der Künste (UdK), teaching a class on Artistic Research.

Slides aus der Präsentation