Achtung: das ist ein Archiv der Kollisionen bis 2021. Aktuelle Informationen zu Veranstaltungen findet ihr hier (externer Link).

Performing biographies (and having fun with yourself (and we don’t mean masturbation))

In this workshop we’ll explore ways of telling stories both generated live through performative exercises and through permative writing. One of the central ideas is to find new ways of considering how you tell your own autobiographical material through fictionalising it and through play. We want to emphasis that this should be fun hence a daily dose of watching comedians is entirely necessary. We also hope to be able to invite guests and experts from the fields of performance/theory, psychotherapy and physical therapy.


Sophia New is a performance maker/artist and one half of plan b and teaches on the MA SODA.

Gernot Wieland is an artist living in Berlin and teaching at Grundlehre/UdK.

Bild der Abschlusspräsentation